Definition of Bush league

1. Noun. A league of teams that do not belong to a major league (especially baseball).

Exact synonyms: Minor League, Minors
Category relationships: Baseball, Baseball Game
Member holonyms: Minor-league Club, Minor-league Team
Generic synonyms: Conference, League

Definition of Bush league

1. Noun. (chiefly US idiomatic) A professional sports association at the lower levels of minor league organization. ¹

2. Noun. (figuratively by extension) A low-ranking or inferior level among groups, professions, organizations, etc. ¹

3. Adjective. Having inferior quality. ¹

4. Adjective. Amateurish. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bush League

bush baby
bush baptist
bush baptists
bush clover
bush dog
bush dogs
bush fire
bush frog
bush hammer
bush hammers
bush hibiscus
bush honeysuckle
bush jacket
bush kanaka
bush lawyer
bush league
bush leaguer
bush leagues
bush nasturtium
bush out
bush pea
bush pig
bush pilot
bush plane
bush planes
bush poppy
bush shrike
bush sickness
bush telegraph
bush telegraphs

Literary usage of Bush league

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Our Short Story Writers by Blanche Colton Williams (1920)
"... town" in The Homely Heroine, The Leading Lady, Where the Car Turns at Eighteenth—spite of its title—and A bush league Hero (all in Buttered Side Down). ..."

2. Heave-Up: Phase One by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn (1994)
"BACK TO THE bush league CLINTONISTAS Hey, I don't make up this “stuff”—I just bring it to your attention, readers. I think that until you can get Jackson's ..."

3. Aerial Observation: The Airplane Observer, the Balloon Observer, and the by Holworthy Hall (1921)
"Any good bush- league pitcher is effective—in a bush league. Effective communication, in the winter of 1914-15, meant really little more than the barest ..."

4. Sunset by Southern Pacific Company, Southern Pacific Company. Passenger Dept (1915)
"Of course though, it's damn trying on a man who wants to run a bush league team and keep his standing in church too. ..."

5. Athletes All: Training, Organization, and Play by Walter Camp (1919)
"National League, American League, "Bush" League, College and School leagues had given way to service teams, still the boys in the back lots and every player ..."

6. Books Added, 1911/15-: Five-year Cumulation of the Book Bulletin of the Chicago Public Library by Chicago Public Library (1916)
"F 18764 Contents: The Crab; The low brow; The fresh guy; The quitter; The bush league demon; The cast-off; The busher; A job for the pitcher; ..."

7. Poetry by Modern Poetry Association (1916)
"... in Prague, that deadly bush league town— I'd quit 'em cold on pictures and cathedrals for awhile. I hung around for Ma and Sis (Good Lord, there wasn't ..."

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